Living in Los Angeles, we are constantly surrounded by both struggling and aspiring artists. Written and directed by Zoe-Lister Jones, “Band Aid” tells the story of two such individuals, Anna (Jones), an Uber driver with a failed book deal, and Ben (Adam Pally), a graphic designer turned couch potato. The couple attempts to move past the heartbreak of a miscarriage while all of their friends are beginning to have children. With so much unspoken pain and anger, Anna and Ben’s marriage transforms into a non-stop bickering match over the most trivial things, such as dirty dishes. In a final effort to save their crumbling marriage, Anna and Ben decide to turn their fights into songs and start a band with their quirky neighbor, portrayed by Fred Armisen.
Zoe-Lister Jones wears many hats in this film as director, writer, co-producer, and actor, and she does everything with grace. This film was Lister-Jones’ directorial debut, and her intimate cinematography is visually striking, as the audience feels as if they should not be seeing Anna and Ben fighting in the privacy of their own home.
Also, her performance as Anna is fantastic, and her comedic timing is even better. The storyline, however, also explores darker aspects of relationships, such as jealousy and resentment. This dramedy includes several amazing cameos, too, from stars such as Brooklyn Decker, Jesse Williams, Jamie Chung, Hannah Simone, Colin Hanks, and Ravi Patel. The crisp pace of the film prevents the storyline from feeling redundant, and every line in the script was unique. As people always say, nothing comes from nothing, but this film is a true original.
Adam Pally (Ben) gives a fantastic performance as well, but ultimately, this is the Zoe-Lister Jones show, and I for one, cannot wait to see the other amazing things she will do in the future. Fun fact: “Band Aid” was made by an all-female crew! How amazing is that?! “Band Aid” is one of the best films I have seen in months, and this delightful independent movie will continue to bring both laughter and tears to audiences around the globe with its wicked sense of humor and startlingly raw performances.
The film has a running time of 1 hour and 31 minutes and is currently playing at several theaters throughout Los Angeles, including The Landmark at Westside Pavilion and ArcLight Hollywood. Last night was the movie’s opening night; be sure to catch this wonderful film while it’s still in theaters.
Featured image source: IMDB.